


  1. If your bird has a history of vent or intestinal infections it is not recommended that they wear a bird  diaper of any sort.
  2. DO NOT wear THE FLYPER more than 10 hours continuously within a 24 hour period.
  3. Line the Flyper Poop pouch with a half lady panty liner (if your bird is doing smaller firmer poops) or use a thin lady sanitary pad cut to the shape of the liner (does big watery poops).
  4. Change the panty liner/pad inside the liner area every 3 to 4 hours (small to medium sized birds) and every 1 – 4 hours (or when full) for the larger birds.
  5. Birds are not to SHARE  FLYPERS without being thoroughly washed between uses (one bird’s bacterial colony could kill another bird who has a different chemistry).
  6. We recommend that FLYPERS not be used at night to afford airing, however should you wish your bird to wear a FLYPER at night, we would suggest a bigger size to allow movement of air around your  bird. (The large FLYPER will prevent poop from landing on the floor).
  7. A more snug smaller size is recommended for day time use. ( The swaddling effect of a tailored suit can help calm a skittish or uneasy bird).
  8. If you are in a very hot environment beware of overheating your bird by raising their core temperature. This could harm your bird
  9. Our Flypers have very soft straps for maximum comfort and prevention of damage to and chaffing of feathers. Uncovered elastic straps can be uncomfortable and can grab the feathers and skin.
  10. Velcro fasteners should always be positioned with the course side facing upwards and away from the feathers/skin. ‘
  11. Our FLYPERS are designed for easy fitting. No wing pulling or struggling is required in order to “dress” or  undress” your bird. 
  12. Our water-resistant inner liner is very light and easy to wash and quick to dry. Turn soiled Flyper inside out and close and match up the Velcro before washing . The  Flyper is machine washable but hand washing preferred to prevent the velcro snagging the stretch fabric.
  13. Make sure that the strap slider is not pulled up the straps too tightly (you don’t want the straps to dig into the shoulders of the bird or cause your bird any discomfort at all).
  14. If you are going to take your bird out, PLEASE ensure that the FLYPER loop ring and the leash “hardware”are all in tip top working order. WE CANNOT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY  for escape or injury to your bird if he decides to take off.
  15. Our FLYPERS are fitted with a Velcro lock strap for additional safety ensuring that the bird does not undress” himself.  As Velcro wears over time it is imperative that you replace the FLYPER with a new one if it wears out. (Especially if you are taking your bird out on a leash as the leash ring is attached to the FLYPER and one must not run the risk of escape).
  16. Please Note: every effort has been taken to ensure the safety and comfort of your bird. By purchasing and using a FLYPER on your bird, you agree that neither BEV’S BIRD BOUTIQUE nor its employees are held responsible for the health or safety of your pet.
  17. Our FLYPERS come with a leash ring which, when attached to a leash is absolutely ideal for the trained more tame birds.  FLYPERS are excellent for poop control for ALL birds (tamed and untamed) but we do not recommend this product to be used as a leashing system for the strong flying untamed birds.
  18. Supervise your bird at all times when introducing him to the  Flyper.
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